Mr. Coffee Smart Wifi-Enabled WeMo 10-Cup Optimal Brew Coffeemaker, BVMC-PSTX91WE
December 10, 2015 - Comment
The Mr. Coffee BVMC-PSTX91WE 10-Cup Optimal Brew Smart Coffeemaker enabled by WeMo. WeMo works over Wi-Fi and 3G/4G, so you can easily adjust your coffeemaker whenever you like, from wherever you are. Product Features Schedule or adjust brew time and setup reminders so coffee is fresh and hot whenever you want it using the Free
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High Tech Coffeemaker We have used your basic cheap coffee makers, your k-cup makers, and even a Jura. This is our first that is connected to the internet.
Wifi enabled, but no actual control over how this thing brews coffee? Ridiculous. Our old Cuisinart coffee maker ( is showing signs that it may be on its last legs, so I was excited to kick its analog rear to the curb and give this shiny new Mr. Coffee that’s part of The Internet of Things a place on our kitchen counter.
A Large and Glorified Coffee Maker I prefer making coffee with a French press, but sometimes using a coffee maker is more convenient, which happens to be a Mr. Coffee 4-cup brewer which I’ve had going on fifteen years (and yes, it’s still happily chugging along). So I expected this to be a quality product out of the gate.