Panasonic MK-G20NR-W Heavy Duty Meat Grinder
April 16, 2015 - Comment
Panasonic 2.3 quart All Metal Hopper, Feeder and Extrusion Super Meat Grinder, Stainless Steel Inner Cutting Baldes, Accessories include: Fine, Medium & Coarse cutting blades; Sausage Attachment and Extra Cutting Blade, 120 AC, 60Hz, 180 watts, 6 9/16″ (W) x 12 13/16″ (D) x 15 3/16″ (H), 7.3 lbs. White with silver trim Product Features
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(as of April 19, 2020 2:59 pm GMT+0000 - Details) + Add To Wish List
(as of April 19, 2020 2:59 pm GMT+0000 - Details) + Add To Wish List
Very pleased with this fine quality meat grinder My wife and I have purchased electronic Panasonic products with satisfaction for more than 30 years, so we decided to give this meat grinder a try. Extremely satisfied, with first use to make ham salad (something not available commercially here, alas, any more, after the demise of Honey B on Texas Ave a couple of years ago). (Anyone reading this remenber the ham salad sandwiches at Reeves on F, then G, street in DC? Well I do, and have tried to duplicate them with this machine.) My! In any…
quality built, made in Japan, but it is too weak. Returned This machine is well built, very little noise, and you can feel it is not cheap at all… and it is Made in Japan…. however the motor is only 180 watts, and that is toooooo weak to grind anything. This is not my first grinder, so I know how to use it and how to place the blade…. but trust me it is too weak…. it will choke on everything and anything…. even a small piece of onion…… and the sound of the motor changes indicating that is is exhausted and under heavy load…. i used it…
Panasonic Meat Grinder The item works well. It’s too small for larger volumes of material such as 20# as fatigue sets in on the operator. Excellent for making 10 to 15 lb. batches of sausage.