Mr. Coffee TM70TS Fresh Iced Tea Maker, 3-Quart, Teal Splash
Infuse flavors in minutes. make refreshing iced tea at home. just brew your favorite tea, add fresh fruits and any other special ingredients to create your own customized blend. dishwasher safe 3-Quart pitcher that brews tea bags or tea leaves, has adjustable brew strength feature, includes automatic shut-off feature and is great for iced coffee
(as of April 20, 2020 6:59 am GMT+0000 - Details) + Add To Wish List
Best $20 You Can Spend in your kitchen! I was AMAZED when I came on here and read the reviews for this Iced Tea Maker. Literally, stunned. I got this product elsewhere, but came across it in an amazon search, so I figured I’d give my feedback.
Great product! Worked perfectly for me every time! I’ve read the other reviews and I had to write my own since I have had nothing but a positive experience with this tea maker. First of all, I don’t know why some others have experienced leaking from the front since it hasn’t leaked a drip for me. All you have to do is push the pitcher in all the way and it’s a perfect fit. Also, all of my water is being emptied from the reservoir and I’ve never had a problem with it. I actually own both, the TM3-2 and this TM70. I bought the TM3-2 first for one…
Works great IF YOU USE IT AS DIRECTED!!! I bought this product before I saw the reviews on (out of curiosity I decided to look it up on Amazon just to see if I got a good deal), so I was curios if it was as bad as many people claimed. NO WAY! It’s apparent to me that most of the complaints are because people do NOT follow instructions, and do NOT make sure the pitcher is properly seated flush to the brewing unit. I did follow the guidelines for initially flushing the unit with just water, and had NO leakage. I then…